Where Does Play Sand Come From?

Sand has many uses in the building and construction industry, being used for everything from glass-making and concrete production to ballast against floods. On a chemical level, sand is silica, a very common material throughout the British Isles. However, these sands are not suitable for play sand without any treatment. Play sand should be non-toxic, non-staining and containing sub-rounded grains, leaving a product that\‘s safe for children to play and learn in.

The sand is produced from quarries and transported inland for processing, where it goes through several important stages in order to become play sand. The sand is first washed in order to remove any traces of iron (ferrous oxide). Removing this element is how the sand becomes non-staining. During this same process, the water pressure is subtly changed throughout in order to make sure the sand grains are fine and rounded. It is essential that play sand is sub-rounded. If a particle accidentally ends up in the eye, a sub-rounded particle is easier to remove and also causes less scratches in the eye itself.

The sand is then shipped out to various customer with bagging lines. Modern techniques for bagging up play sand generally involve a sophisticated bagging line, resulting in the bags of sand received being of a roughly equal weight and well protected in specialist bags that keep the sand dry, ready to be delivered to the customer.

To ensure that you\‘re getting play sand that you know is safe for your children, always buy from a trusted supplier and make sure they can verify the origins of their play sand. For further information on purchasing clean, safe play sand, \contact us\.